Georgia has a unique and ancient cultural heritage and is famed for its traditions of hospitality and cuisine. It is a land with a magnificent history and unparalleled natural beauty.
Georgia is very safe for visitors and residents. Crime rate is one of the lowest in Europe. It is very safe to walk outside even at midnight as policemen are responsible for every person’s safety.
International recognition of academic degrees obtained in Georgia is guaranteed through several conventions. Among them, the most important is Bologna process. On June 19, 1999 29 European Ministers of Education signed a declaration in the oldest university town of Bologna. By signing the document the ministers expressed their willingness to participate in creation of one European Higher Education Area. The mission of Bologna Process is to create certain tools and mechanisms for connection national educational systems, so that degrees obtained from one member country, would be automatically recognized in all remained member countries. The set objective was attained in 2010, when process of creating European Higher Education Area among European countries was completed.46 countries are involved in Bologna Process so far. Georgia joined the process in 2005 on Bergen summit.
Living expenses cost in Georgia is cheap in comparison with other European countries. Average cost of living in Georgia is 300USD per month, which includes accommodation, transportation and meals.
Georgia is part of European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). Apart from European accreditation Georgian Universities are accredited by ENC/NARIC, MCI, WHO, ECFMG, ME & ETC.
All International Students can work while their studies without limitation on working hours. they are in Georgia with no work Hour Limits. Also, Georgia encourages All Students to challenge their Entrepreneur skills and become self-employed.
The Average Tuition Fees of MBBS Healthcare (Medicine & Dentistry) Programs in Georgia is $ 5000 Per academic year and $3,000 for Non-MBBS programs such as Business, Nursing, Engineering and Technology.