Start your university journey online through the pathway programs and Apachia Academy can help you progress onto a final year university course.
Study Bachelors Degree in UK. Our degree pathways act as a direct equivalent to Year 1 and Year 2 of a bachelor’s degree, recognised by an OFQUAL (the UK government higher education regulating body) awarding organisation. Level 4 is the equivalent to the first year of a bachelor’s degree programme. it provides students with 120 university credits upon completion. Level 5 is the equivalent to the second year of a bachelor’s degree programme; it provides students with 120 university credits upon completion.
Once you complete your pathway, you’ll do a top up programme with one of our partner universities in the UK to finish Year 3 and obtain your full bachelor’s degree. Upon completion of our level 7 pathway courses, students’ progress onto the final module of an MBA programme. Students will have the option to do top programmes either on campus or through distance learning.
Our pathways are the most flexible and cost-effective way to get a Bachelors Degree from the UK!